Agency Ham

To generate excitement and participation for Colle + McVoy’s annual United Way drive, we asked our own ad men to toss aside their shirts (and their pride) to help raise money for two great charities. Enter Agency Ham, a twelve-month calendar capturing some of C+M’s finest conceptual beefcakes, all for the betterment of those less fortunate.

Agency Ham was picked up by ad blogs like AdFreak, Ads of the World, Agency Spy, Creativity and The Denver Egotist; covered in the local papers; featured on the local news; and won the 2010 Graphis Gold Award. Most importantly, the project raised over $12,000 in its brief two-week run.


Derek Till    senior art director

Larper: someone who enjoys acting out fantasy adventures in costume. Derek: someone who enjoys making other peoples’ fantasies a reality, while occasionally wearing a loincloth and pointy ears.


Lee Hanson    copywriter

A self-proclaimed freak dancer with a hankering for all things huge (he’s seen 41 of the World’s Largest Things), Lee has a lot to bring to the dance floor. “The Sprinkler” aside, helping charity is certainly one of his best moves.


Micah Dahl    assistant editor

Despite a strong backhand—and an even stronger backside—Micah cares less about acing his opponent than he does about giving others the advantage. So, whether that means sprouting a mustache or sporting hot pants, he’s always up for the challenge.


Seth Pederson  senior counselor

Once a singing deckhand on a ship, Seth has never been afraid to show off his voice (or his inner thighs). Now on land, the only things he toils to keep afloat are families in need.